Frequently asked Questions

On this page you will find all of the information you need about adopting a dog from Meadow of Hope dog rescue.
Where are you based?
We do not have a base in the UK, we work with incredible trusted rescuers in Romania and Croatia. All of our dogs are delivered directly to the door of their forever homes in the UK. Sometimes we have dogs in foster in the UK, but these will be spread out across England.
What are the fees to adopt a dog?
To adopt a dog already in the U.K. we ask for a donation of £250.
To adopt a Romanian Rescue Dog the total fee is £475.
To adopt a Croatian Rescue Dog the total fee is £455.
What do the fees cover?
Tests - For all dogs over the age of one year, we use the 4DX test to test for: Heart-worm, Lyme disease Ana-plasma Ehrlichmia.
All adult dogs are also tested for: Canine Distemper, Leishmania Canine brucellosis. **(Please note that most UK vets are now requiring that this is repeated 3 months after initial testing)**
All puppies (less than 1 year) are also tested for: Giardiasis, Parvovirus, Canine brucellosis **(Please note that most UK vets are now requiring that this is repeated 3 months after initial testing.)**
Vaccines - All our dogs are fully up to date with vaccinations as follows: Rabies, Corona, Leptospirosis, DHPPI (& booster) – This covers: Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus and Parainfluenza virus/DHPPI Booster - Canine Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza
Your dog will also receive:
A full health check by a registered Vet, a dental check, flea and worm treatment and microchip - registered to yourself on arrival.
Their very own EU pet passport with all vaccines and treatment records noted.
A lifetime of rescue support.
What is the application process?
Once you have completed an application form, we will be in touch via Facebook messenger (if you have given us your account) or via Whatsapp. We hold an initial chat all via messages that takes around 75 minutes, and helps us to understand you, your home and the way in which you plan to take care of a dog. If this goes well we will need a copy of your photo ID to book you in for an in person home check.
What happens at the home check?
We book in your home check with a wonderful voluntary organisation called The A team- who will give you a ring to book a time to come and see your home. At this visit they are wanting to see your home to make sure it is free of hazards for your new dog (like gaps under fences, things they could hurt themselves on). They would also like to meet your resident animals, to see how they are looked after and how they behave.
If you pass the home check what does that mean?
If you have passed your home check congratulations we think you are perfect for a Meadow of Hope dog! Now this does not always mean you will get the dog you applied for, sometimes we have many applications or we may think another dog is a good fit for you.
How will your dog be transported to you?
If you are adopting a dog already in the UK, you will need to travel to meet and collect the dog, sometimes fosterers will be willing to meet part way. If you are adopting an overseas dog, the dog will come via bus and be dropped at your front door.
What will my new dog have been fed?
Your dog will have been fed basic food in Romania so we suggest your gradually move them onto your chosen food by feeding them plane rice and chicken until their stomach settles.
What should I do if I am worried about my dog?
If you have any concerns throughout your dogs life, please please contact us. We keep your group chat open and encourage you to message us with any and all questions. If your dog is showing any changes or problems please contact us sooner rather than later.